Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.


Filter description

Filter name


Value format

This filter defines whether the time frame you select relates to the moment on which conversions were updated or tracked.


If the filter is not used, the time frame will relate to moment on which conversions were tracked.

Either use ‘tracking’ or ‘updated’.

This filter allows you to define whether the time frame for which you want a report on your conversions or basket positions is absolute (exact dates) or dynamic (for example: last ten days, last month, etc).


This filter is compulsory.

Either use ‘absolute’ or use ‘dynamic’.

If you are using a dynamic time frame, you need to specify it here.


This filter is compulsory when you use a dynamic time frame.

Please read this article for a full overview.

If you are using an absolute time frame, you need to define a date on which the range starts.


This filter is compulsory when you use an absolute time frame.

If you are using an absolute time frame, you need to define a date on which the range ends.


This filter is compulsory when you use an absolute time frame.

To limit the output to conversions or basket positions with a specific status, use this filter.


This filter should be applied when you are creating a report used for validation purposes.

0 for open, 1 for approved, 2 for rejected and 3 for confirmed. You can use multiple values.

This filter allows you to limit the conversions or basket positions you export to a specific currency.


Use the ISO 4217 currency codes. Please note you cannot use only one currency code at a time.

This filter allows you to limit the conversions or basket positions you export by a specific advertiser program.


This filter allows you to create export files per advertiser, which is highly recommended.

Use the MID you find on the overview page of all the advertisers on your platform.

This filter allows you to limit the conversions or basket positions you export by a specific partner.


Use the UID you find on the overview page of the partners on your plaform.

This filter allows you to include the brand and the shopping categories the advertiser applied in the basket export.


This filter is only available for the basket export.

Use ‘true’ to include the additional data.

This filter allows you to include any sub IDs related to the conversion in your export file.


This filter is only available for the comprehensive conversion report.

Use ‘true’ if you want to export the sub IDs.

This filter allows you to include all additional parameters (customer age and gender, new customer, custom values, etc.) related to the conversion in your export file.


This filter is only available for the comprehensive conversion report.

Use ‘true’ if you want to export the additional parameters.



Conversion export file
