Before you start

This article is relevant mostly when you have more than, say, thirty advertiser programs in your network. If not, you will be able to find the active advertisers you are looking for by merely taking a glance at the overview which is displayed in the advertiser section of the UI. The filter options are only relevant when you are looking for an advertiser you have deactivated or even deleted. If you have numerous advertisers, you will probably need to use the filter options more frequently.

Getting started

If you haven’t already done so, make sure you are logged in to your admin UI, click on ‘advertiser’ in the main menu and proceed to click on ‘manage advertisers’. If you do so, you will be taken to the page with the overview of all the advertisers on your platform. On the top of the list of your advertisers, you will see the filter panel.

Using the filter panel

As you can see, you have six different options to filter your advertisers:

When you are ready defining your filter settings, click on the ‘search’ button in the left lower corner of the panel. The advertiser overview below the filter options will be adjusted corresponding to your settings.