Getting started

If you haven’t already done so, login to the you admin UI . Click on ‘finance’ in the main menu and proceed to click on ‘conversions’. On the page you seen now, you can find all data related to your conversions and process validation.

The page consists of two main panels: a filter panel and an overview of individual conversions. The filter panel will remind you of the filter panels you find under the partner and the reporting tab. The overview contains the output of your filter settings.

Finding conversions

If you do not change anything in the filter panel and click on the button ‘search’ at the bottom of the filter panel, you will see all conversions of all active partners in your platform made today. The most recent conversion is displayed on top. If you want to know how to change this timeframe or find a specific conversion, please read the article on how to find specific conversions.

Conversion data

Once you click on the search button, you will see an overview of conversions appearing below the filter panel. Every entry in the overview represents one conversion. Above the overview, you will find a legend explaining the meaning of the different texts and figures you see in the entries.

Let’s have a closer look at a specific entry:

We will go through all the different figures, icons and texts one by one, working from left to right. The main columns contain the following information of each conversion:


Validating an individual conversion

Per default all tracked conversions have the status open. In this case you can see  the  icon selected in the conversion status column. If you want to approve or cancel the conversion, just click on the status icon and choose “accept” or “cancel” in the list. When you select a new status, you will have to confirm your action by clicking the ‘change status’ button appearing after you changed the status. After it the relevant status icon will be shown in the status column:

Validating conversions in bulk manually

Of course, you can approve or cancel more than one conversion in one go. To do so, you’ll need to select all the conversions you want to edit by ticking the little box on the outmost left of the conversion panel, or scroll down and tick the ‘select all‘ option in the left lower corner at the bottom of the page.

If you do so, you will find that the status section of all the conversions you selected is grayed out. To change the status of all selected conversions, you will need the status section at the bottom of the page. If you have changed the status of your selected conversions, click on the button ‘apply bulk edit’ and confirm your actions in the system window that appears.

If you want to validate conversions automatically, please read this article.

Exporting conversions

To export your conversions, just scroll down the overview of conversions. At the bottom of the page, next to the apply bulk edit button, you will see a panel which allows you to export data. You can choose between two export files (for a detailed overview on which information is included in the respective files please click on the linked articles):

If you additionally want sub IDs and other additional conversion data to be included in the conversion file, please select file type “Additional”.

If you are working with basket tracking, you will also have the possibility to export baskets here. The icons you find behind the name of the exports represent the different formats in which you can export your conversions: XLS and CSV.

Please note that the file you download here will only contain the conversions or the touchpoints and baskets related to the conversions that meet the filter criteria you have defined. There are no limitations to the amount of data you export in one go, but you should not use a time range larger than one year.

Please note that the conversion file you can export here cannot be used for automated validation. It is only useful when you need to export all data related to conversions. To find out how you can export a conversion file optimized for bulk validation, please read this article.