
Most of the data generated by the platform can be downloaded as XLS or CSV manually. However, you might want to export data in an automated way, for example when you want to use your own reporting tool. This article explains you what data you can import and how you should prepare an automated data export.

Creating an export URL

Structure of the export URL

To prepare your automated data import, you need to create an export URL. A basic export URL will look more or less like this:


Let’s go through all the elements one by one:

Available data

To define what data you are exporting, all you have to do is fill in the right report name. You will find these names, along with a comprehensive documentation of the output and the filters you can apply via the following links:

Applying filters

Depending on the data you are exporting, you can apply filters. These filters need to be added to the export URL using the following structure:


Please make sure you place the first filter immediately after the question mark in the export URL and add all further paramters by using an ampersand. You can find a complete overview of the available filters in the individual descriptions of the available reports below.

Server restraints

Due to limited server capacity, the maximum number of export files you can export is 10 per report per hour per user. There are no limits to the data volume you can export in one file, but you cannot apply a timerange longer than one year.