Webhook types

For the implementation of Webhooks, it is important to make a distinction between:

Webhooks with browser-side delivery are deprecated, because they typically rely on 3rd-party tracking or 3rd-party JavaScript code loading. Due to browser restrictions with ITP/ETP, and future limitations of browsers, you should migrate from Webhooks using server-side delivery.

Approving Javascript

If your partners implement JavaScript via their Webhook settings, they need to ask you to approve them. This is done because errors in the JavaScript can constrain the performance of the advertiser website. Apart from obvious errors in the JavaScript, please make sure that you check how the Javascript code is designed to be loaded, i.e. synchronous or asynchronous. In most cases, the Javascript code will be loaded asynchronous, which means that any codes you implement in the container of the conversion code need to load asynchronous as well.

To approve the JavaScript your partners have implemented this, click on 'partner' in the main navigation menu and proceed to click on 'manage partners'. Go to the filter panel and open the options in the filter called 'Webhooks' in the column on the left. Select the option 'partners waiting for approval of their third party tracking codes' and hit the button 'search'.

If you do so, all partners waiting for approval of their Javascripts and iframes will appear in the partner overview. To see the code the partners wants you to approve, click on the icon on the right of your screen. If you click on the icon, a page will appear on which all the implemented Webhooks are listed. You will find the name of the Webhook, a brief description, the name of the Rule and the status. The icon indicates the Webhook is waiting for approval. To see the code itself, click on the icon.

If you do this, a page will appear looking more or less like this:

Starting at the top of the page, you can find the following information here:

To approve the code, all you need to do is change the status from waiting for approval to approve. When you have done this, click on save at the bottom of the page and the partner will be able to use the code.