What is a unique ID?

A unique ID identifies a conversion on the platform and is primarily used to make the validation process more secure. In general, conversions and corresponding basket positions are identified using the order ID. But the order ID is generated and visible on the website of your advertiser and is therefore semi-public. The unique ID is used on the platform only. Therefore, it is added to the conversion and basket position data to ensure no third parties can manipulate the validation process.

Generating unique IDs


There are two ways to generate unique IDs:

  1. You let the platform generate the unique IDs. This is done when you export conversions or basket positions from the platform using the export/import feature or via an automated export.

  2. You can generate the unique IDs on the website of the advertiser and make sure it is transmitted as a parameter value with the conversion code.

Unique IDs generated via the platform

As was mentioned above, the platform generates unique IDs when you export conversions or basket positions automatically, both when you use the export/import feature or when you export them via an automated export. If you use the export/import feature, you need to make sure the unique IDs remain in the file when you import the conversions or basket positions after comparing them with the information in your data warehouse.

The format of a unique ID follows the so called Universally Unique ID according to ISO/IEC 9834-8:2008. An example would be:


If you are working with automated validation via CAD-requests, you need to make sure the unique ID is transmitted as a parameter value. The name of the parameter is ‘unqid‘. For more information, please read the article on automated validation via CAD-requests.

Working with your own unique IDs

You can also work with your own unique IDs. To do this, you need to make sure the unique IDs are generated on the confirmation page of the advertiser’s website and transmitted via the conversion code as a parameter value. The name of the parameter is uref.

Working with your own unique IDs has the advantage that you no longer need to export conversions or basket positions from the platform. If you receive information on whether an order was canceled, partially accepted or fully accepted, you can immediately send out a CAD-request and validate the conversion or basket position on the platform. For more information, please read the article on automated validation via CAD-requests.