Change the commission model assigned to a partner
Before your start
The commission model defines the commission amount a partner received for generating conversions for an advertiser. Please note a commission model is not assigned to partners directly, but to their ad spaces. If a partner has registered more than one ad space, you can assign different commission models. In most cases, you will initially assign the commission model when you admit the partner’s ad space to an advertiser program.
Getting started
Make sure you are logged in to your admin UI, click on ‘relationships’ in the main navigation menu, and proceed to click on ‘Explorer’. If you do so, you will see a list of relationships.
To find what you’re looking for use the filters for Advertiser, Partner, and Adspace to narrow down the results.
Assigning the new commission model
Select the relationship
With the relationships narrowed down, select the relationship for which you want to change the Commission Model. Remember, that a relationship is established between a Partners Adspace and an Advertiser so you might see multiple relationships in the result table depending on your chosen filters.
You can only change the commission model if the relationship is Activated.
Changing the commission model
After selecting the relationship you can see its details in the Info Panel on the right:
Select the commission model you want the ad space to be assigned to in the drop-down menu on the left.
If you want, you can also change the commission rule and the fee model.
Click on the ‘save’ button.
Changing the commission model for multiple partners
If you want to change the commission model for multiple partners in one go, you can follow the instructions on bulk admittance in the article on advertiser admittance.