Configuring and implementing tracking tags
Before you start
In order to track the online marketing events of the advertisers on your platform, you will need to implement tracking tags on the website of the advertiser. Please note you will need to implement two tags: the conversion tag and the on-page tag.
The conversion tag should be implemented on any page on which a conversion is confirmed: the page on which a client is being thanked for his purchase, the page on which a client’s subscription for a newsletter is confirmed, etc. Before you implement a conversion tag, you will have to configure it, depending on the advertiser’s needs.
The on-page tag should be implemented on all other pages of the advertiser’s website. To configure it, you only need to choose a loading method and write a brief website description.
Also remember to receive the clickId that is transmitted by the clickId Parameter from all incoming traffic, save it and to include it in the conversion tag.
Consider to work with a first party tracking domain, since it usually allows the highest accuracy of tracking. Read more about first party tracking here.
As soon as you have implemented the tags, you should process a tracking test.
Preparation: The clickId
Especially in third party contexts (that means the tracking domain is a different one than the shop domain), the clickId is highly important to get tracking reliably working,.
All settings and configurations regarding the clickId should be done before implementing the tracking tags. Reason is, that the clickId needs to be included in the conversion tag and thus should be available, when it is implemented.
Getting started
The tracking tags for your advertisers can be found and configured in your UI. Click on advertiser
in the navigation menu and proceed to click on manage advertisers
. On the page you see now, find the advertiser you want to implement a tracking tag for and click on the on the icon in the technical section.
If you do so, you will see a page which is rather large, but basically consists of three sections:
The section in which you can process the configuration of the tracking tags (defining the conversion target and tracking categories for the conversion tags; choosing a loading method and creating a description for both tags; adding parameters for the conversion tag).
Further below, you will see a panel in which the conversion tag is displayed.
At the bottom of the page, you will find the on-page tag.
Configuring the conversion tag
Basic configuration
The basic configuration of the conversion tag takes place in the first section of the tracking tag page. Make sure you go through the following steps:
Choose a conversion target for which you want to create a conversion tag for. Conversion targets usually designate an event type such as sale
or appinstall
. This conversion target should obviously correspond with the conversion of the confirmation page you want to integrate the tag on. In case you work with multiple conversion targets, make sure the parameter is filled with the correct value from data layer. Conversion targets should be set up before implementing the conversion tag.
Select a tracking category for the conversion tag you are implementing. Tracking categories usually designate the commercial category of a conversion.
If you are implementing a conversion tag that should enable basket tracking, make sure you select basket
. In case you work with multiple tracking categories, make sure the parameter is filled with the correct value from data layer. Tracking categories should be set up before implementing the tracking tag.
Tracking categories
Define whether you want the container tags in the container if the tracking tags to load synchronous or asynchronous. When you select synchronous loading, the tags implemented in the container will be loaded as soon as the browser reaches the position of the tracking tag in the source tag of the page. When you select asynchronous loading, the tags implemented in the container will be loaded as soon as the browser has loaded the complete page. Asynchronous loading is highly recommended, although it requires you to make sure all third party tracking tags implemented in the container of the conversion tag are asynchronous as well.
After you have selected a conversion target and the tracking category, you will need to fill in a brief description of the page you want to implement the tracking tag on. Make sure the description explains the event on the confirmation page unambiguously. We recommend that it is only one word, such as “checkout.”
In case of session tracking/ working with the click ID: Make sure the click ID is transmitted with every ad media click to the corresponding target URLs. It should be transmitted as additional parameter. We recommend working with the click ID, since it allows tracking when no cookie is available. For more details read more here: Working with the clickId
Mandatory parameters
If you look at panel below the configuration section, you will find that the conversion tag already contains six parameters. These parameters are mandatory and should not be removed from the conversion tag.
Name (JS tag) | Name (img tag) | Explanation | Format | Example |
| This parameter identifies the conversion target. The value of the parameter corresponds with the target you selected in the configuration panel. Attention: Uniqueness of conversions is determined by the combination of the | Alphanumeric | AddBasket |
| This parameter identifies the tracking category. The value of the parameter corresponds with the category you selected in the configuration panel. Tracking category In case of basket tracking the value | Alphanumeric | default |
| This parameter identifies the the conversion and therefore should be unique. In case the ID contains sensitive information such as an email address, it can be replaced by an alternative ID on the platform. | Alphanumeric, max length 255 chars |
| This parameter transmits the net value of the conversion. If the conversion does not contain a value, the transmitted value should be If the conversion is based on positions (basket parameter), the value should not be transmitted. | Numeric: Max-Value: |
| This parameter transmits the currency following ISO 4217. The currency should always correspond with the currency used on the advertiser's website. | Alphabetic |
| This parameter can transmit click IDs and enable attribution even when no cookie was dropped. | Alphanumeric, comma-separated or JSON array |
| The complete Browser-URL on which the tag was fired. Used to prevent accuracy issues in case of strict referrer browser policy. Please don’t change the default value | URL | Result of |
Adding advanced parameters
Before you start
Apart of the mandatory parameters that are added to the tag automatically, you can add advanced parameters. Please note that in order for these parameters to work properly, the data they are designed to transmit need to be available. Parameters marked with an asterix (*) in the description can also be used without the underscore (_). For example, you can use ‘commissionfix’ instead of ‘commission_fix’.
The advanced parameters are sorted by purpose, let’s go through them one by one.
Name (JS tag) | Name (img tag) | Explanation | Format | Example |
| This parameter transmits any discount values (net amounts) related to the conversion. | Numeric: #.# |
| This parameter transmits any discount tags related to the conversion. | Alphanumeric |
| This parameter transmits the total order value of a conversion, i.e. including shipping costs and VAT. | Numeric: #.# |
| This parameter transmits the status of the conversion. If it is not used, conversions will be registered with an open status. Therefore, you should only use this parameter when you want to confirm or cancel conversions automatically. | Numeric |
| This parameter is needed when you want to automate your validation process. For more information, please read this article. | Universally unique identifier (UUID) |
| For security reasons, this parameter identifies the page on which the conversion is made. | Alphanumeric |
| This parameter transmits the request time for this Conversion following the format in ISO 8601. The value must not be older then three months (92 days) ago and cannnot correspond to a future point in time. | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sss+00:00 |
Custom values
The parameters in this section can transmit custom values related to the conversion or the customer, such as points given for a loyalty program. The content can be alphanumeric.
Name (JS tag) | Name (img tag) | Explanation | Format | Example |
| This parameter registers whether the customer was new to the advertiser. Possible values are true (new) or false (recurring). | Alphabetic |
| This parameter transmits any ID given to the customer who placed the conversion. Use this for implementing cross-device and cookieless tracking. | Alphanumeric, max length 255 chars |
| This parameter transmits any ID given to the session of the customer who placed the conversion. Use this for implementing cross-device and cookieless tracking. | Alphanumeric, max length 255 chars |
| This parameter transmits a value identifying the gender of the customer placing the conversion. Possible values are f (female) and m (male). | Alphabetic |
| This parameter transmits the age of the customer placing the conversion. | Numeric |
| This parameter transmits questions and answers to surveys held upon placing the order. | Alphanumeric: {"#":"#"}. Please note JSON format is higly recommended. |
| This parameter can transmit the payment method the customer chose when placing the order.* | Alphanumeric |
| This parameter can transmit costumer related data, such as the number of orders previously canceled or recommendations. | Alphanumeric: {"#":"#"}. Please note JSON format is highly recommended. |
| This parameter can transmit additional information. | Alphanumeric. It can be a string, a JSON or another format. |
| This parameter can transmit additional information. | Alphanumeric. It can be a string, a JSON or another format. |
| This parameter can transmit additional information. | Alphanumeric. It can be a string, a JSON or another format. |
| This parameter can transmit additional information. | Alphanumeric. It can be a string, a JSON or another format. |
Basket tracking
A requirement for basket tracking is the tracking category ‘basket.’ we recommend to set it up before implementing the conversion tag.
To enable basket tracking, please make sure you add the ‘basket’ parameter to the conversion tag. Remember, the tracking category ‘basket’ should be set up. The only requirement for using this parameter is that your advertiser needs to be able to fill it with basket data in JSON format. The individual components of the basket data are discussed in the table below.
Name | Explanation | Format | Example |
| The optional ID of this position Can be submitted to address this position later. Generated automatically if empty. | 1 or higher, max value 32767 |
| The optional UUID of this position. Can be submitted to address this position later. Generated automatically if empty. | Valid UUID | 0d5bb776-2d50-4d65-912c-d20e324f66b8 |
| The ID of the product to which the basket position relates. | Numeric |
| The name of the product to which the basket position relates. | Alphabetic |
| The stock keeping unit | Alphabetic |
| The price of the product to which the basket position relates. | Numeric: |
| The brand name of the product to which the basket position relates. | Alphanumeric |
| The number of ordered products. | Numeric |
| The discount value of ordered products. Cannot be negative. | Numeric: |
| The shipping costs of ordered products. | Numeric: |
| The tax which needs to be paid for ordered products. Used to calculate the total invoice amount of this conversion. | Numeric: |
| The tracking category of the basket position, not to be confused with the tracking category of the conversion to which the basket position belongs. Any tracking category may be used except
Never use the trc | Alphanumeric |
| The shop category of the product to which the basket position relates. | Alphanumeric |
Attribution parameters
The parameters in this section can transmit attribution relevant values such as click ids.
Name (JS tag) | Name (img tag) | Explanation | Format | Example |
| This parameter transmits the complete ad media tag of the click URL via which the conversion was generated. |
| |
| Alternatively to | Numeric adspace id |
| This parameter replaces any sub IDs added to the click URL via which the conversion was generated. | Alphanumeric, max length 255 chars |
(In JS tag, use clickIds to transmit this value) |
| Awin click checksum. | String |
(In JS tag, use clickIds to transmit this value) |
| Google Ads click ID. | String |
(In JS tag, use clickIds to transmit this value) |
| Facebook Ads click ID. | String |
(In JS tag, use clickIds to transmit this value) |
| Microsoft Bing Ads click ID | String |
(In JS tag, use clickIds to transmit this value) |
| Tune partner click ID | String |
Server to server specific parameters
Name (server tag) | Explanation | Format | Example |
| Value of the | String |
| Value of the | String |
| User Agent value, usually provided in http header | String |
| IP Address | Numeric #.#.#.# |
| Optional device type. Will be ignored when Possible values:
| String |
Configuring the on-page tag
The on-page tag is quite simple to implement, there are only few parameters to be taken care of.
Tag parameters
If you look at panel below the configuration section, you will find that the on-page tag already contains five parameters, that you may work with.
Name | Explanation | Format | Example |
| Mandatory: The complete Browser-URL on which the tag was fired. Used to prevent accuracy issues in case of strict referrer browser policy. Please don’t change the default value | URL | Result of |
| This parameter transmits any ID given to the customer. Use this for implementing cross-device and cookieless tracking. | Alphanumeric, max length 255 chars |
| This parameter transmits any ID given to the session of the customer. Use this for implementing cross-device and cookieless tracking. | Alphanumeric, max length 255 chars |
| only on product pages: This parameter is the product ID, e.g. EAN or SKU | Alphanumeric |
| optional parameter, you are free to put in any additional information that may be needed | Alphanumeric |
| optional parameter, you are free to put in any additional information that may be needed | Alphanumeric |
| This parameter defines the placement of the tag. It should be filled with the path of the page or the URL | Alphanumeric |
Implementing the tracking tags
Why use the full conversion tag?
After you have done the basic configuration, selected additional parameters and decided whether or not you use basket tracking, all that you need to do before you can start implementing the conversion tag is choose what type of conversion tag you need. As you can see from the dropdown menu in the second section, you can choose between a tag that is reduced to an image pixel and a full tag including javascript. It is strongly recommended to use the full tag, because it allows you to implement tracking tags from partners and integrate existing partner networks.
Why use the on-page tag?
To process basic tracking, implementing the on-page tag is not necessary. However, it is strongly recommended you use it nonetheless, for four reasons:
The on-page tag enables you to track page impressions, i.e. the number of times a customer sees a page on your advertiser’s website or in its app after the initial click on the ad media item.
The on-page tag allows you to process click-in tracking. This is a tracking process which captures clicks without the need of a tracking URL, which enables Bounceless tracking. It is also allows you to track traffic from CRM newsletters and comparable marketing channels in which links should not be recognizable as tracking links.
The on-page tag contains a container tag which facilitates the integration of tracking tags from partners, allowing them to gather customer-related data. This is particularly important for partners using retargeting and cashback marketing strategies. Please note the container tag of the on-page tag is loaded asynchronous, so it will not affect the performance of the advertiser’s website.
The on-page tag allows you to work with the so called universal tracking parameter (UTP), which improves the tracking quality significantly. For more information, please read this article.
Implementation: Placement of the tracking tags
If you have finished your configuration of the conversion tag, all you need to do is copy the conversion tag and the on-page tag and paste them into the source tag or tag management solution of the relevant advertiser pages. Also, please make sure the needed values are transmitted (e.g. with the corresponding placeholders).
Conversion tag: As was mentioned already, the conversion tag needs to be implemented on the confirmation page of the conversion you have configured the tracking tag for.
On-page tag: The on-page tag needs to be implemented on all other publicly accessible pages.
Please note that you should process a tracking test after you have implemented the tracking tag to make sure it is working properly.
See also our guide to conversion tracking implementation.
IAB TCFv2.0 parameters
The Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) was created to help all parties who display and manage digital advertising and develop targeted content comply with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ePrivacy Directive (ePD) when processing personal data and/or accessing and/or storing information on a user’s device. It allows publishers and website operators to communicate to vendors, in a standardized way, what preferences users have expressed when it comes to their personal data. A vendor is a company that participates in the delivery of digital advertising within a publisher’s website, app, or other digital content, that either accesses an end user’s device or browser or processes personal data about end users visiting the publishers content.
Ingenious Technologies is a registered TCFv2.0 Vendor with the Vendor ID 871.
More information can be found in the main article about TCFv2.
Name (JS tag) | Name (img tag) | Explanation | Format | Example |
| not set : TCFv2.0 not implemented | Numeric: # (0 or 1) |
| Only meaningful if | Base64-entagd string |