Working with the Creatives Manager

Working with the Creatives Manager

Before you start

This article explains how you can manage your creatives with the Creatives Manager.

You can read more about the different creative types in this article.

Getting started

To get started, login to your admin UI and click on Creatives in the main navigation menu and then on Manager in the opened sub menu. Now you'll need to choose an advertiser you want to manage. You will now see the Creative Manager Overview: from here, you will be able to manage everything related to the creatives for this specific advertiser.
The following screenshots shows the basic layout that you can find repeatedly in the platform and in the Creatives product. The screenshot shows the content of a creative set with one selected creative.

The page consists of three main areas – the Top Bar (1), the main Content Area (2) on the left and the Info Panel (3) on the right side.

  1. The top bar contains actions that affect the main content area, for example creating new items (creative sets or creatives) and filtering of the creatives you see. It also provides functionality to quickly navigate between features of the Creatives Manager or the creative sets.

  2. The main content area shows you either a list of creative sets that belong to the advertiser, or the content of a creative set if you navigate into one by double-clicking.

  3. The info panel is an optional view that can be toggled to show context information based on the currently selected item (creative set or creative). The info panel shows you all information specific for this item and allows you to edit it.

Filtering the content you see

To reduce the number of creatives to get the relevant results you need, you can use the filter options in the top bar. Without any confirmation, you'll instantly see creatives according to the filter you activated. If you have an active filter you'll see a small indicator on the corresponding filter option. To remove all active filters, just select the clear button. Possible filters are Type (Hosted, Remote, Link, HTML), Status (Active, Hidden, Inactive), the IAB display formats (only useful for Image Creatives) and the date of creation.

Quickly navigate between features

The main bar allows you to quickly switch between features of the Creative Manager. The second breadcrumb allows indicates the current feature you are in, when opening the Manager this is always the Overview feature. By clicking on Overview you can see more features that are available in the Manager module.


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