Setting Up Your CNAME with a Hosting Provider Not Listed Here

Note: Before you add a CNAME to your domain, you may want to read our full guide about 1st Party Tracking


General CNAME set up instructions

If we do not have CNAME record set up instructions for your specific host, these directions should help you make the necessary changes. 

  1. Log-in to your account setup with your hosting provider for your custom domain

  2. Navigate to the DNS management section or page of your hosting provider 

  3. Find a section called CNAME records

  4. Create a new CNAME record for your subdomain

    • For example, if you picked as your custom domain, create the CNAME record for "promo"

  5. For the Destination or Points to value, paste in the target CNAME URL provided by the Ingenious.

  6. If you have a field named TTL, or “Time to live”, enter an update interval of 1 hour there. If you are unsure, just leave the setting as it is.

  7. Save your changes.

NOTE: CNAME records can take a few days to propagate. Once it's ready, you can ensure your entry works by using this article.