Product | Description | Reported on | No longer available from |
Partnerships | The status param for relationship has been removed from /partnerships/partner/create command. Any new partner will be created with an relationship that is status activated . Please remove the status param from your API request. /partnerships/partner/create Code Block |
"commandId": "73a922f2-556b-460c-9352-5a91e9994146",
"comment": "string",
"eventDateTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"adspace": {
"categoryId": "string",
"partner": {
"address": "AAAAAA",
"billingData": {},
"city": "AAAAAA",
"relationship": {
"adspaceId": "55632",
"advertiserId": "8134",
"commandId": "73a922f2-556b-460c-9352-5a91e9994146",
"comment": "string",
"commissionModelId": "12345",
"commissionRuleId": "12345",
"eventDateTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"feeModelId": "12345",
<<REMOVED FIELD status>>
"type": "CreateRelationship"
} |
. | | 15th of January 2024 |
Please see ⚡ Deprecations 2023