
Basic queries for conversions. In this section, the result is containing single conversions with different fields, filtered by performedAt


Conversions of today

Single list of todays conversions with additional information about advertiser and target. Descended ordering by performance date.

SELECT  performedAt, updatedAt, conversionId, adv as advertiser, ctg as target
FROM `i19s-insights.insights.insights_conversion` 
WHERE DATE(performedAt) = current_date()
ORDER BY performedAt DESC

Conversions by attribution and rating status

Single list of todays conversions, filtered by attribution and rating status

SELECT  performedAt, updatedAt, conversionId, advertiserId, conversionTargetId, ratingStatus
FROM `i19s-insights.insights.insights_conversion` 
WHERE DATE(performedAt) = current_date()
  AND attributionStatus='ATTRIBUTED' and ratingStatus in ('CONFIRMED','REJECTED')

Conversions by list of conversionIds

Single list of todays conversions, filtered by a list of conversionIds (separated by comma)

SELECT  performedAt, updatedAt, conversionId, advertiserId, conversionTargetId, ratingStatus
FROM `i19s-insights.insights.insights_conversion` 
WHERE DATE(performedAt) = current_date()
      AND conversionId in ('abc123','def456','ghi789')


Conversions and touchpoint

Single list of todays conversions and touchpoint list

SELECT  performedAt, updatedAt, conversionId, advertiserId, conversionTargetId, ratingStatus, userJourney
FROM `i19s-insights.insights.insights_conversion` 
WHERE DATE(performedAt) = current_date()

Conversions and touchpoint object

Single list of todays conversions and single touchpoint object

SELECT  performedAt, updatedAt, conversionId, advertiserId, conversionTargetId, ratingStatus, userJourney[OFFSET(0)] as touchpoint
FROM `i19s-insights.insights.insights_conversion` 
WHERE DATE(performedAt) = current_date()
 AND attributionStatus='ATTRIBUTED'

Conversions and touchpoint fields

Single list of todays conversions and single touchpoint fields

SELECT  performedAt, updatedAt, conversionId, advertiserId, conversionTargetId, ratingStatus, userJourney[OFFSET(0)].admediaCode as touchpointAdmediaCode
FROM `i19s-insights.insights.insights_conversion` 
WHERE DATE(performedAt) = current_date()
 AND attributionStatus='ATTRIBUTED'

Conversions with total revenue, commission from touchpoint

Single list of todays conversions and totals for revenue, commission and fee from touchpoint list

SELECT  performedAt, updatedAt, conversionId, advertiserId, conversionTargetId, ratingStatus, currencyCode,
    SUM(rating.revenue) AS revenue,
    SUM(rating.revenue) - SUM( AS revenueDiscounted,
    SUM(rating.commission) AS commission,
    SUM(rating.fee) as fee
    FROM UNNEST(userJourney)
  ) AS totals
FROM `i19s-insights.insights.insights_conversion` 
WHERE DATE(performedAt) = current_date()
AND attributionStatus='ATTRIBUTED'


Conversions with position list object

Single list of todays conversions and position list

SELECT  performedAt, updatedAt, conversionId, advertiserId, conversionTargetId, ratingStatus, positions
FROM `i19s-insights.insights.insights_conversion` 
WHERE DATE(performedAt) = current_date()

Conversions with total revenue, commission and fee

Single list of todays conversions and totals for revenue, commission and fee from position list

SELECT  performedAt, updatedAt, conversionId, advertiserId, conversionTargetId, ratingStatus, currencyCode,
            SUM(price) AS price,
            SUM(quantity) AS quantity,
            SUM(revenue) AS revenue,
          FROM UNNEST(positions)
        WHERE status IN( 'OPEN', 'CONFIRMED','REJECTED')
      ) as totals,
FROM `i19s-insights.insights.insights_conversion` 
WHERE DATE(performedAt) = current_date()
  AND attributionStatus='ATTRIBUTED' 

Free parameters

Attributed conversions having pattern 'Madrid' in user value 3

Single list of todays conversions

  performedAt, AS conversionUuid, conversionId,
  processing.customerId AS customerId,
  (select value from unnest(freeParameters) where key ='uv1') AS userValue1,
  (select value from unnest(freeParameters) where key ='uv2') AS userValue2,
  (select value from unnest(freeParameters) where key ='uv3') AS userValue3,
 FROM `i19s-insights.insights.insights_conversion`
 WHERE DATE(performedAt) = current_date()
     AND processing.totalWinnerCount > 0
     AND (select value from unnest(freeParameters) where key ='uv3') LIKE '%Madrid%'


Access for Free parameters of User Journey Touchpoints. Fields on touchpoint level that can be submitted in the tracking tag on advertiser side can now be found in the free parameter list.

    ic.processing.trackingId requestId,
    uj.touchpointid as requestIdOfTheTouchpoint,
    (SELECT value FROM UNNEST(uj.freeParameters) WHERE key = 'gclid'  ) AS gclid,
    (select value from unnest(uj.freeParameters) where key ='uv1') as userValue1,
    (select value from unnest(uj.freeParameters) where key ='uv2') as userValue2,
    (select value from unnest(uj.freeParameters) where key ='uv3') as userValue3,
    (select value from unnest(uj.freeParameters) where key ='uv4') as userValue4,
    (select value from unnest(uj.freeParameters) where key ='smc1') as clickin_subId1,
    (select value from unnest(uj.freeParameters) where key ='smc2') as clickin_subId2,
    (select value from unnest(uj.freeParameters) where key ='smc3') as clickin_subId3,
    (select value from unnest(uj.freeParameters) where key ='smc4') as clickin_subId4,
    (select value from unnest(uj.freeParameters) where key ='smc5') as clickin_subId5,
    (select value from unnest(uj.freeParameters) where key ='smc6') as clickin_subId6,
    (select value from unnest(uj.freeParameters) where key ='sid') as clickin_siteId,
    -- check your platform configuration, this key 'pid' is default and can be changed by customer
    (select value from unnest(ic.freeParameters) where key ='pid') as clickin_productId,
  FROM `i19s-insights.insights.insights_conversion` ic
  LEFT JOIN UNNEST(userJourney) uj
    DATE(ic.performedAt) = current_date()
    AND ic.processing.totalWinnerCount > 0 -- if you want to analyse conversions with winner
    AND uj.rating is not null -- if you want to take winner touchpoints only