

This glossary helps you to understand the key terms used on the platform. You will also find technical definitions and links to articles explaining you the context in which the terms are used.



Additional notes



Additional notes

Additional parameter

Additional parameters are added to the click URL of ad media items and are mainly used to transmit data from the platform to an external tool.

For more information, please read this article.

Ad impression (also called Views)

An ad impression is an impression of an ad media published on an ad space. The word 'view' is often used as synonym.

Technically, an ad impression is generated whenever the ad impression URL of an ad media item is loaded. For more information, please read this article.

Ad space

An ad space is the medium via which a partner promotes an advertiser: a website, a newsletter, a mobile application, etc.

For more information, please read this article.

Admin UI

The admin UI is the online interface from which you manage the platform.


Ad Media Codes (AMC)

The amc parameter is the ad media code, used to identify traffic of partners.

For more information, please read this article.


An advertiser is a commercial player promoting products or services via the platform.

For more information, please read this article.


The term 'approved' is a validation status of a conversion. It signifies the service or product related to the Conversion has been received and paid by the customer, but the advertiser still needs to pay the fee assigned to the Conversion.

Please note this status is only relevant when you are working with a postpayment billing mode for your advertiser. For more information, please check this section of the introductory article on finance.


Attribution is the process of allocating conversions to one or more touch points in a customer journey. If the conversion is a commercial one, the amount and marketing costs will be attributed as well.

For more information, please read the article on attribution models.


A basket or a shopping cart is a tool in online shops the customer uses to collect different products. The details of these products can be transmitted to the platform as conversion data.

For more information, please read this article.

Basket item

A basket item is a collection of data related to one specific product in the basket of a conversion.

For more information, please read this article.


A click is a click on an ad media item published on an ad space, redirecting the customer to the website or mobile application of the advertiser via the click URL of the ad media item.

A click is recorded by the platform whenever the click URL of an ad media item is loaded. For more information, please read this article.

Click filter

A click filter allows you to regulate clicks and prevent fraud.

For more information, please read this article.


Commission is money which is assigned to a conversion. As such, it represents a reward or cost for the ad space that generated the conversion. How much commission is assigned is defined in the commission model.

For more information on commission models, please read this article.


The term 'confirmed' is a validation status of a conversion. It signifies the service or product related to the conversion has been received and paid by the customer and the financial requirements for the partner billing are met.

For more information, please check this section of the introductory article on finance.

CR (click rate)

The click rate is the percentage of clicks that result in conversion.


CTR (click-trough rate)

The click-trough rate is the percentage of ad impressions that result in clicks.


Customer journey

The customer journey is the sum of all touch points and conversions produced by an individual customer.

For a comprehensive explanation, please read this article.


A deposit is a bill requesting an advertiser to pay for the services provided by the platform in advance.

Deposits can be created via the advertiser billing feature. For comprehensive instructions on that feature, please read this article. For more information about the billing of advertisers in general, please read this article.

eCPA (effective cost per action)

The eCPA represents the gross marketing cost divided by the number of conversions.


eCPC (effective cost per click)

The eCPC represents the gross marketing cost divided by the number of clicks.


eCPM (effective cost per mille)

The eCPM represents the gross marketing cost divided by the number of series of 1000 ad impressions.



An entity is a legal body responsible for the billing of partners and advertisers on the platform.

Please note multiple entities can be integrated on the platform. For more information, please read this article.


A fee is money which is assigned to a conversion. As such, it represents the cost the platform will charge the advertiser for generating the conversion. How much fee is assigned is defined in the fee model.

For more information on fee models, please read this article.

Gross marketing costs

Gross marketing costs are composed of the total amount of commission and fee attributed to the conversions tracked during the selected period. Please note this can also include commissions and fees for clicks.


Gross amount

The gross amount represents the sum of the order values attributed to multiple conversions, regardless of the status of these conversion.

Gross amount also includes the shippings and VAT related to the conversions.


An invoice is a bill requesting an advertiser to pay a fee for the services provided by the platform.

Invoices can be created via the advertiser billing feature. For comprehensive instruction on that feature, please read this article. For more information about the billing of advertisers in general, please read this article.


The MID (merchant ID) is an ID used to identify an advertiser on the platform.

The ID is generated automatically when the advertiser is registered.

Net amount

Net amount is the amount attributed to conversions that have been confirmed during the validation process.

Net amount does not include shippings costs or VAT.

Net ROI (return on investment)

The net ROI is the confirmed conversion amount from which the gross marketing cost has been subtracted.


Order value

The order value represents the value of one or more products ordered. As such, it is attributed to a conversion.

Please note the order value does not include VAT and shipping costs.


A pageview is generated whenever a customer visits a page of the website or the app of your advertiser, after the initial visit of a page following the click.

Technically, a pageview is tracked whenever the so called on-page code is loaded.


A partner is a commercial player promoting the products or services of one or more advertisers via the platform.

For more information, please read this article.

Partner UI

The partner UI is the online interface from which partners can manage their activities for the platform.

Not all partners will use the partner UI. Some partners represent marketing channels that will be automatically integrated. Other partners will manage their activities for the platform via API.

Payment entry

A payment entry or self-billed invoice is a bill which entitles partners to receive payment for the services they provided to the platform.

For more information on the legal status of the payment entry and instructions on how to create them, please read this article.


A PID (page ID) is an ID used to identify an ad space on the platform.

The ID is generated automatically when the ad space is registered.


The word 'platform' is used to describe all software used to track, rate, monitor, analyze and optimize your online marketing and manage all financial processes related to your marketing.


Post view conversion

A post view conversion is a conversion that was attributed to a touch point triggered by an ad impression.


Post click conversion

A post click conversion is a conversion that was attributed to a touch point triggered by a click.


Raw clicks

Raw clicks are clicks that have not been affected by click filters.

Raw click numbers are used in various reports. For more information, please read this article.


In the context of the platform, a referrer or HTTP referrer is the webpage from which a customer came before arriving to the advertiser's website or mobile application.

Please note a referer is not the most reliable piece of information. It can be easily hidden and it will not be recorded if a customer clicks on an ad media item outside of a browser, for example in an email client.


The term 'rejected' is a validation status of a conversion. It signifies that the service or product related to the conversion was not accepted by the customer, or that the conversion was cancelled due to another reason.

For more information, please check this section of the introductory article on finance.

(Conversion) Amount

Amount relates to the sum of the order values attributed to multiple conversions.

Please note the amount does not include VAT and shipping costs.


A role defines what a user can see and do in the admin UI. Roles are assigned according to a user's tasks.

For more information, please read this article.

Sub ID (also called SMC or Sub-Media Code)

A sub ID allows partners to track individual tracking events, particularly ad impressions and clicks.

Most partners use sub IDs to evaluate the success of SEO or retargeting campaigns. For more information, please read this article.

Touch point

A touch point is a moment of contact between the customer and the advertiser's website or mobile application. The contact can be established by a click or by an ad impression.

For more information about touch points and the customer journey, please read this article.

Tracking category

Tracking categories are used to order the information you track. They are vital for rating and reporting purposes.

For more information on tracking categories, please read this article.

Tracking domain

The tracking domain is the webdomain via which online events are tracked. In case of first party tracking, the domain corresponds with the domain of your advertiser's website or mobile application.

For more information of tracking domains, please read this article. For more information on first party tracking, please read this article.


The UID (user ID) is an ID used to identify a partner on the platform.

The ID is generated automatically when the partner is registered.


A user is someone who has access to the platform via the admin UI. Every user has a role, defning what the user can see and do in the admin UI.

For more information, please read this article.


Validation is a process during which the status of conversions is adjusted, depending on whether customers cancelled or accepted the services or products after their initial order.

The process of validation is explained in this section of the introductory article on finance.


A winner is a winning touch point, i.e. the touch point to which the conversion and potentially the amount of the conversion and marketing costs are attributed.

For more information, please read the article on attribution models.


A Transaction is a transfer of money between two parties.

For more information, please read the article on introducing transactions.

Transaction type

A Transaction type determines a transaction and controls the money flow. You can create multiple transaction types which reflecting your business cases.

For more information, please read creating transaction types.


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