Editing the platform configuration

Editing the platform configuration

What is the platform configuration?

The platform configuration defines the basics of your platform: it's name, what it looks like, what the terms and conditions are, how partners are paid, how the registration works, via what domains the platform is run, etc. All of these configurations have to be set when your platform is launched. You can edit the configuration at any given moment. However, please be aware that any changes in the platform configuration will deeply affect the way your platform is run.

Getting started

You will find the platform configuration by clicking on 'configuration' in the administration section of the main menu in your admin UI and subsequently click on 'platform'. If you do, you will see a page containing the following sections:

  • General configuration

  • Partner referral program

  • Partner registration

  • Partner modules

  • Unique touchpoint ID for clicks

  • Domain configuration

Each of these sections will be discussed individually below.

General configuration

Let's go through the items found in the general configuration one by one:

  • The name under 'copyright text' is used at the bottom of all admin and partner UI pages, next to the imprint and the information about the current version.

  • Under 'terms and conditions', you can upload a document (PDF) containing the terms and conditions for your platform. The terms and conditions will be displayed on the registration page for the partners. When terms and conditions have been uploaded, you will find the URL via which you can download the document und 'T&C dowload URL'.

  • Under 'privacy document', you can upload a document (PDF) in which you explain how you deal with your partner's data. This document will be displayed at the bottom of all admin and partner UI pages, next to the imprint and the information about the current version. When your privacy document has been uploaded, you will find the URL via which you can download the document under 'privacy document URL'.

  • Under 'imprint URL', the imprint of your company - i.e. the company operating the platform - is stored.

  • The 'default language' is the language that will be used for the registration page. Please note you can overrule the default language using additional paramters in the registration link.

  • Under 'logo URL', you will find the source URL of the logo used for your platform.

  • Under 'favicon', you can upload your favicon, i.e. little image used in the browser tab. If a favicon has been uploaded, you will find the URL via which you can download it under 'favicon URL'.

  • When you select the option 'allow partners to set the payout limit to zero', a payment entry will be created for your partners as soon as they have generated commission, unless they set a payout limit for themselves.

Partner referral program

In this section, you can activate a partner referral program. For comprehensive instructions, please read this article.

Partner registration

In the section related to the partner registration, you will find the following settings:

  • If you select the option 'block account usage until partners register their billing data', partners will not be used to work with the partner UI until they have registered and confirmed their billing data. This will help you avoid issues during the partner billing, because payment entries cannot be created without the billing data of a partner. However, it will lead to a higher service demand and some partners might abandon the platform all together.

  • If you select the option 'force new partners to apply to an advertiser', partners will need to select an advertiser to apply to during the initial registration. Please note this obligation is only relevant when the MID of the advertiser is not included in the partner registration link. For more information, please read this paragraph in the article on the registration process.

  • The box called 'registration domains' contains all the domains on which the registration page can be integrated in an iFrame. If an asterix (*) is entered here, the registration page can be integrated on any domain.

  • If you select the option 'review newly registered ad spaces', you will activate a feature which enables you to review any new ad spaces partners register after their initial registration. For more information, please read this article.

Partner modules

This section allows you to define what modules of the partner UI the partners active on your platform can use. For comprehensive instructions, please read this article.

Domain configuration

Under domain configuration, you will find all the domains via which your platform, the tracking of your advertisers and some platform related features are run.

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