Lifetime Attribution

Lifetime Attribution is also sometimes called “progressive” Attribution.



This article explains the principle of lifetime attribution. It is particularly relevant for platform users managing advertisers that have a long term relationship with their customers, such as online bankers and telecom service suppliers.


Lifetime attribution is a method which allows you to make sure costs or commission are attributed to the proper ad space even if the customer journey is fragmented due to a lengthy registration process or customers switching devices.

Lifetime Attribution in Ingenious Technologies allows you to track the complete customer journey by linking multiple events to a single start event, such as a first sale, registration, or app install. This document provides step-by-step instructions on how to technically implement Lifetime Attribution on the Ingenious Technologies platform.

Lifetime attribution concept

Watch this video what lifetime attribution is all about: Youtube Links


Lifetime Attribution Implementation Guide

Step 1: Identify and Configure the Start Event

The start event is the initial customer interaction that begins the Lifetime Attribution process. This event could be a first sale, a user registration, or an app install.

  1. Choose the Start Event: Decide which event will serve as the start event Common examples include:

    • First Sale

    • Registration

    • App Install

  2. Configure Conversion Target:

    • Create a new conversion target in the Ingenious Technologies platform for your chosen start event. Find more details here.

    • Enable "Lifetime Attribution" within the conversion target settings. This setting is crucial as it initiates the tracking of subsequent related events.

  3. Set Up Conversion Tracking Tag:

    • Implement a conversion tracking tag on your website or app to send the data of the start event. This tag should include a unique identifier, such as a customerId or sessionId.

    • More details about implementing tracking tags can be found here and here




Step 2: Track Subsequent Events

After the start event, all related follow-up events need to be tracked to fully utilize Lifetime Attribution.

  1. Identify Subsequent Events: Determine which events will follow the start event. These could include:

    • Further sales (e.g., subscription renewals)

    • Milestones following registration (e.g., signup completion, account opening)

    • In-app events (e.g., level completion, purchase within the app)

  2. Set Up Conversion Tracking for Each Event:

    • Implement conversion tracking tags for each subsequent event.

    • Often those subsequent events are transmitted server side.

    • Ensure that these tags transmit the same customerId or sessionId as the start event. This linkage is critical for attributing all events to the same customer journey.