Advertiser export output
This page contains a comprehensive overview of the data in the advertiser export file you can download in the export section of the partner UI.
In the example above you see the two possible filters:
Filter name | Explanation | Value format |
relationshipstatus | The status of the relationship between your adspace and the advertisers you want to export, choose ALL to get all advertisers. | One of ALL, |
adspace | The id of your adspace. |
Column header | Explanation | Value format |
advertiserId | The ID of the advertiser. | Numerical |
name |
nameEnglish |
alias |
logoUrl | The image URL of the advertiser’s logo. | URL |
startDateTime | The time and date on which the advertiser program started. | yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
currencyCode | The currency code of the advertiser. |
description |
descriptionEnglish |
shortDescription |
shortDescriptionEnglish |
termsUrl |
termsUrlEnglish |
websiteUrl |
companyName |
vatId |
languageCode |
promotionCountryCodes |
trackingId |
trackingBaseUrl |
defaultTrackingClickUrl |
relationshipStatus |
deeplinkAdmediaId |
categoryName |
subCategoryName |
conversionConfirmedRevenueAverage |
earningPerClick |
clickThroughRate |
conversionRate |
conversionRejectionRate |
conversionConfirmationRate |
commissionModelId |
commissionModelCpmFix |
commissionModelCpcFix |
commissionModelCpaFixMin |
commissionModelCpaFixMax |
commissionModelCpaPercentageMin |
commissionModelCpaPercentageMax |
commissionModelCpaFixPlusVariableFixMin |
commissionModelCpaFixPlusVariableFixMax |
commissionModelCpaFixPlusVariablePercentageMin |
commissionModelCpaFixPlusVariablePercentageMax |
attributes |