Aspire Global Gaming Platform

Aspire Global Gaming Platform


What is Aspire Global?

Aspire Global is a leading B2B-provider of iGaming solutions, offering companies everything they need to operate a successful iGaming brand, covering casino and sports. The B2B-offering comprises of a robust technical platform, proprietary casino games, a proprietary sportsbook, and a game aggregator. The platform itself can be availed of exclusively or combined with a wide range of services.



Aspire Global and Ingenious jointly developed a custom Conversion Importer for the Ingenious Partner Marketing Platform. Customers using Aspire Global as their Gaming Backend can setup this Conversion Importer. This way, data from the gaming backend will automatically be converted to conversions within the Ingenious system, and be ready for commissioning to partners/affiliates.

What data does Ingenious load from the Aspire Global Gaming Platform?

When connecting an Aspire Global Gaming Platform we collect data from the player activity by using the following sources:

  • Registrations: Each user registration on Aspire Global

    • External player Id

    • Player alternate reference

    • User name and email

    • Adress data

    • Registration time

    • many more …

  • Deposits: Each deposit which has been made by an registered player

    • External player Id

    • Type for deposit and cashout, reflected by conversion target

    • Amount/Currency

    • Deposit date

How often do you collect data from the Aspire Gaming Platform?

The Aspire Global Importer is scheduled with 5 minutes. Conversions will be shown after that time in the user interface.

Where can I see all fields of the original source?

The mapping to Ingenious conversions follows this strategy:

  • Where Ingenious has a matching field (like timestamp, amount, target as well as click-ids in the PlayerAlternateReference field) data is taken from the ASG events

  • Where Ingenious-specific IDs (like conversion/order-id) are needed, the Importer generates unique IDs based on the combination of ASG event data

  • We are storing ALL fields from the original Aspire Global source as a free parameter list in our Conversion Model, so that no data is lost. This data is available for analysis in the Ingenious Data Warehouse.



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