14.04.20 – Extensions for cookieless tracking with Click IDs

14.04.20 – Extensions for cookieless tracking with Click IDs

Extensions for cookieless tracking with Click IDs

Recent browser regulations aim to improve user privacy in the web. While such regulations successfully restrict aggressive data collection, they also can hinder transfer of data being crucial for advertisers to accurately attribute conversions back to their marketing activities. 

Why is cookieless tracking important?

The main focus of browser regulations such as Safari’s ITP or Firefox’ ETP is on cookies. Their tracking prevention mechanisms significantly restrict cookie handling, and it is expected that the major browser providers will implement more limitations on cookies in the future. A robust tracking should not rely solely on cookies but employ methods that can assure data transfer independent of cookies.

How does click ID tracking work usually?

Ingenious Technologies tracking offers features such as server-side tracking and cookieless tracking based on click IDs for several years.

As you know, Ingenious automatically generates a click ID if it is configured in the additional parameter settings of an advertiser. The effect is that when a user clicks a creative and is redirected through ingenious tracking to your advertiser’s landing page, the click ID appears on the URL of the landing page. Thereby, the advertiser can store the click ID, and later pass it with a conversion so that the click and the conversion are connected with each other.

What are the new cookieless tracking features?

Now, we extended our click ID tracking to provide greater flexibility and more ease of use for both server-side tracking and browser-side tracking situations. Our extension includes features that enable you to connect interactions such as clicks and conversions in more flexible ways: you can connect interactions based on click IDs of commonly used systems such as Google Ads, Awin, and Facebook; you can connect interactions based on click IDs customly defined by you; and you can connect interactions by multiple click IDs. 

Thereby, the Ingenious Platform offers you a broad set of opportunities to track interactions in a cookieless way:

  • Assigning a custom click ID to a click. You can assign a custom click ID to a click. A custom click ID could be an existing click ID of your own system. This enables you to pass your own click ID on the conversion as well, and as a result, the Ingenious Platform will automatically find all related events so that you can attribute the same way you are used to it from the existing Ingenious click ID.

  • Sending multiple click IDs with a conversion. The new feature allows you to pass multiple Click IDs with the same conversion. Thereby, the Platform can link more relevant events, which helps you to acquire more insights about the user journey and fine-granular control over attribution in cookieless situations.

  • Attribution with click IDs of Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Awin, and other tools. Our new feature will automatically detect and store Click IDs of those and other tools if it detects them on a click request.
    This enables you to pass Click IDs of those tools with a Conversion and as a result, the Ingenious Platform will automatically find all related events so that you can attribute the same way you are used to it from the existing Ingenious Click ID.

You can find information on how to use the new features in our documentation:


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