ℹ️ Release Notes 2020

ℹ️ Release Notes 2020


December 14, 2020

NEW FEATURE Insights Datawarehouse contains user data

  • We have continued to synchronise data from our Ingenious systems with our data warehouse. It is now possible for authorised users to retrieve user data from their platforms.

  • The table "user" can be explored via the Google BigQuery Console.

December 03, 2020


IMPROVED Newsletter Performance

To increase the performance of the newsletter system we have introduced a restriction. It is no longer possible to send newsletters with embedded images that are approx. 1kB in size. It is always possible to include larger images by using a link.

November 23, 2020


NEW FEATURE IAB Transparency & Consent Framework (TCFv2.0) support

It is now possible to activate TCFv2.0 for a platform. The platform owner has to contact the Ingenious customer support. You can use Ingenious TCFv2.0 vendor ID or specify your own if you are registered on TCF as a vendor.

As a partner you now have the possibility to activate the TCFv2.0 functionality per ad space and choose between setup and restrictive mode. With the setup mode the correct macros for the tracking links will be generated and attached to your tracking links. Restrictive mode additionally applies TCF policies to the way we store and process tracking requests. The control appears on the ad space edit page as soon as TCFv2.0 is activated for the platform.

The current on-page tag for advertisers also contains two optional parameters to communicate TCF consent to Ingenious Platform.

Read more…

November 4, 2020


NEW FEATURE Account Statements (BETA)

As a platform owner you can now track account changes for Advertiser and Partner on the new Account Statements page. In this BETA-Version, also Advertiser will have access into their own credit account.

Here is what you can expect:

  • An overview of the current account balance of the account

  • View all balance changes in the selected period in chronological order

  • Detailed information on sender and receiver as well as additional details

October 20, 2020

IMPROVED UI performance

  • All user interfaces will load faster. We identified a general UI bottleneck in our session handling and removed this handbrake. All user interfaces benefit from this release significantly.

October 12, 2020

IMPROVED Reporting performance

  • Some customers experienced slow reporting responses. In some rare cases, the UI didn’t respond at all.
    Most of these cases have been solved.

  • We also increased reporting performance for customers with high amounts of data.

October 09, 2020

IMPROVED On-page tag extensions 

Referrer Policy

Since Chrome Version 85 privacy-enhanced default referrer policies, some customers had increasing issues with tracking accuracy because the referrer was cut off. We solved this problem by sending of the document URL in a parameter to our Trail Application. This makes the tracking independent from referrer policy and enables advertisers to enhance their security by using of stricter referrer policy settings. To activate this improvement, please refresh your on-page tag. Read more …

Optional TCFv2.0 parameters added

As part of the coming TCFv2.0 support we added two optional parameters to communicate TCF consent to Ingenious Platform. The Trail Application accepts and stores the consent data submitted by on-page click or conversion tag. The customisation in UI and request filtering is currently in development, we will inform you in good time before the restriction becomes active. Read more …

August 21, 2020

IMPROVED Messaging

The email templates for Deposit, Invoice and Partner Credit Notes templates allow now to provide the URL for the download of the PDF document directly from the email.

August 21, 2020

IMPROVED Partner Dashboard

On partner dashboard, we are showing all figures with two decimals instead rounding 

FIXED Financial Documents in CET/CEST

In your financial documents like advertiser invoices or partner payouts, the former presentation of date/time values in UTC have been changed into CET/CES

August 14, 2020

IMPROVED Financial Documents - Templates migrated

All document templates has been migrated to the new layout

IMPROVED Financial Documents - Default templates

If a document template is not specified, an appropriate system template will apply. Read more about templates

August 12, 2020

BETA We have the Relationship Manager ready for an invite-only beta.

Just recently we released the Relationship Explorer and announced the upcoming Relationship Manager to fill the gaps for some highly requested features. Now we’re ready to bring it out in a closed beta. In the Manager you will always work in the context of one advertiser which will - amongst others - unlock the following features for you:

  • FEATURE Updating of fee model, commission model, commission rule and status of one or multiple relationships at a time

  • FEATURE Export of relationships

  • FEATURE Activities: Find out what changed, when it changed and who did the change on every relationship

July 29, 2020

IMPROVED Financial Documents - New Style now available

Your financial documents are now ready to be migrated to the new document style.

  • All monetary values are printed in the document currency. To compensate, the exchange rate applied is now printed in the detail section of the document

  • Formatting of money figures as well as date values in the local format of advertiser and partner

  • An improved position list with units and support for our new Transaction feature

  • Showing the credit consumption for prepaid advertiser by net and tax value of the credit

  • An improved second page with grouping for all figures by advertiser (for payouts) or partner (for invoices)


Next steps
We are planing to migrate any of your current templates to the new look and feel for you soon.
If you want to migrate now, please contact our support

July 28, 2020

IMPROVED Parameter Forwarding

You can simply forward any click parameters on redirects by providing parameter name with prefix fw_param_ (to add test_id=123 to the target URL just append &fw_param_test_id=229 to your tracking tag).
However, this cannot work when the parameter to be forwarded is already configured on existing additional parameters. This is because parameter forwarding has a lower priority than additional parameters.
To provide full flexibility we have made a new forwarding prefix fw_param_hp_ available. Parameters with this prefix will get a higher priority than additional parameters. Read more …

July 24, 2020

IMPROVED Data Warehouse BETA

Ad impressions, clicks and untracked requests are already available for several weeks in the database that can be analysed with BigQuery. We have now developed a monitoring system that checks that this data is kept synchronized with other Ingenious databases.

July 24, 2020


IMPROVED Parameter forwarding

You can simply forward any click / ad impression parameters on redirects providing parameter name with prefix fw_param_ (to add test_id=123 to the target URL just append &fw_param_test_id=229 to your tracking tag). However it could not work when the parameter to be forwarded were already configured on additional parameters, because parameter forwarding has a lower priority than additional parameters.
To provide a full flexibility we have made a new forwarding prefix fw_param_hp_ available. Parameters with this prefix will get a higher priority than additional parameters.

July 24, 2020

IMPROVED Recognition of content encoding

Better automatic recognition of server’s content encoding for Product Data Feed Downloader

FIXED Mapping of XML Feeds

In some rare circumstances the mapping of XML feeds was taking too long to proceed.

July 16, 2020

IMPROVED Custom Click Filters

Improved fraud detection on cookieless clicks using request meta data.

July 10, 2020


IMPROVED New Rights and Layout

Finer Access Rights for Newsletter: now it is possible to separately allow Users to see Newsletter history and to use Newsletter templates

Also we have optimised the layout of Newsletter Creation page.

July 02, 2020

Feature New status flow for financial documents

A new status flow for financial documents has been introduced. Documents for partner payouts and advertiser invoices are now covered by the following status flow DRAFT->PENDING->PAID

Feature Unrestricted time filter for financial documents

The default restriction for filtering of documents for the last 30 days as been changed to unrestricted. You will now see all documents in status draft and pending per default.

July 01, 2020

Feature CAD (conversion additional data)

Default output format changed to Json. Detailed informations like input parameters, basket and error description are now available. Read more …

Feature Preview mode for CAD Requests

Conversion and CAD requests can be manually called in preview mode to validate input parameters. Output Json object includes input parameters, processed values and error description. Read more ...

July 26, 2020

IMPROVED Partner dashboard

On partner dashboard, we have added the latest payout amount which has been confirmed by the platform. This amount will be instructed to be paid out during the next days.


June 15, 2020

Feature Rebuilt “Relationships Manager” page

  • CHANGE We rebuild the “Manage Relationship” page from scratch and renamed it to Relationship Explorer.

  • FEATURE It’s fast. Operations that took minutes before (Sorry about that) now take seconds at most.

  • FEATURE Activities: Find out what changed, when it changed and who did the change on every relationship.

  • FEATURE It comes with new permissions to make it suitable for your use case and give the users of your platform fine-grained access to the parts they should be able to view and edit (reference Access news)

  • FEATURE By utilizing various filters, you can narrow down the result set of relationships and applications

  • FEATURE Accept relationship applications

  • FEATURE Update the fee model, commission model, commission rule and status of a relationship

June 4, 2020

FIXED Confirmation mail to admin not send when change email

FIXED Confirmation mail not send when prepayment invoice status changed to “paid”

June 4, 2020


FEATURE new permission for external reference number

Added new permission to control if the external reference number can be changed. This is crucial if you want to avoid that your users change IDs which are managed in an external system (CRM, Billing System, ...)

FEATURE permissions for visibility of financial documents

A few more rights to control the visibility of financial documents. You can determine whether a advertiser has access to unconfirmed or rejected documents.

May 29, 2020

Feature Proxy Tracking for Advertisers

Proxy tracking is one of multiple methods to do first-party tracking with the Ingenious platform. It works without CNAMEs, which makes your tracking-setup even more robust. Read more …

Feature Implemented redirecting on Ad Impressions with multiple tracking domains

Our Traffic Redirection Policies didn’t allow redirects on ad impressions and clicks when tracking is called not from the registered tracking domain, which can be only one. Now it is possible on ad impressions for under “Allowed domains for ad impressions” whitelisted domains.

Feature Added enhanced information Untracked Requests in BigQuery

Tracking requests which could not be successfully processed (untracked) will become available via BigQuery soon. From now on additional information including error messages and missing advertiser/network ids are provided.

May 26, 2020

Feature Server-Side Webhooks

Streamlined the interaction with filters in the server side logs page. Read more … 

May 25, 2020

Fixed Data Warehouse BETA

A problem with higher latency for the synchronization of AdImpressions and Clicks from Kafka to BigQuery had been resolved.

May 06, 2020

Feature Creatives

Creatives is out! It will become the replacement for the admedia system. It can be run and used side by side with the old system for the time being.

The new extensions are live and allow you to do the following:

  • FEATURE You can now upload your images directly to our platform and use them in image creatives.

  • FEATURE ​Creatives explorer to manage your creatives over all your advertiser at once.

  • FEATURE ​Creatives manager to create and edit all your creatives and creative sets in the context of one advertiser.

  •  Read more …

April 20, 2020

Feature Server-Side Webhooks

We have decided to wipe some dust of Server-Side Webhooks (previously known as Third-Party-Tracking). We are tackling some more or less known bugs and limitations as well as extending functionality and usability. Read more …

April 14, 2020

Feature Extensions for cookieless tracking with Click IDs

Ingenious Technologies offers cookieless and cross-device tracking solutions including click ID tracking and server-to-server event transmission for several years already. Based on the rising demand for cookieless tracking solutions, we comprehensively extended our click ID tracking. Read more ...

March 3, 2020

Feature Partner Groups

Partner Groups are the new way to organize your Partners. Partner Groups provide a flexible, dynamic way to organize your Partners in groups.

You define a set of rules to group your Partners in order to later be able to address them using a name you provide.

Feature Ad space list in Ad media management replaced by Partner Groups

Gone are the times were you had to manage visibility of Ad media kits with individual lists of Ad spaces. Let’s be honest. It was a pain. Now you can organize your Partners in groups and then assign these groups to several Ad media kits. Modifying the visibility of multiple Ad media kits is now as easy as editing the single Partner Group that is assigned to them.

February 14, 2020

Feature Fixed: Some users where missing rights in certain areas

Before this release the system decided that some users had too many rights. Its reaction however was quite extreme as the system then decided to strip these users of all their rights. We convinced the system to stop this behaviour and even gave those users all their rights back.

February 13, 2020

Feature All tracking links are HTTPS

The secure transmission of data over the network is an important concern, especially when it comes to tracking data. We have recently switched all tracking links in your platform to HTTPS per default. Read more ...

FIXED Convert to tracking links in HTML Ad media

When creating HTML Ad media, the platform allows converting links in your custom HTML into tracking links. Previously, the platform falsely identified some elements of your HTML as links. This is fixed now. Read more ...

February 5, 2020

Feature Partner payouts with detailed preview

Have a look into your partner payout preview by downloading all collected commission figures.

Feature Commission rules with high clock rate

We have increased the speed of our commission rules and provide a detailed result file with affected partnerships.

Feature Time is running for your open Conversions

Conversions tell you when they will change to confirmed automatically.

Feature Advanced filtering in Conversion overview

Supported by our new Conversion overview list, we have added a new filter for the tracking parameter “customer new”.

January 29, 2020

Feature Dynamic cookie categorization

From February 4th 2020 on, Google Chrome will handle SameSite Cookies different than before. This means that only cookies that fulfil certain requirements can be used for tracking.

Within the last few weeks we performed multiple incremental updates to our tracking technology related to the new requirements. Our tracking dynamically adjusts cookie settings depending on the user’s browser and the setup of the Advertiser. Read more ...


Please see ℹ️ Release Notes 2019

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