Untracked data: error codes and their meaning
If you have access to BigQuery, possibly via Google DataStudio, you may have access to the errors that lead to untracked data. Untracked data are clicks, adimpressions or conversions that could not be tracked or registered for some reasons. The specific reason for each case is specified in an error code.
List of untracked requests errors
Reason | Error code | In Context | Description | Possible additional Message (in processingEvents.message) |
MissingConversionId | 66 | Conversion | Missing valid conversion (order) id | missing cid |
IgnoredSpiderRequest | 369 | Click / Ad impression | Request originated by registered bot / spider |
AlreadyExistingAction | 59 | Conversion | Same conversion with the same significant values like order value / currency, basket, original tracking category found within last 4 weeks | already exists as 2007071416085890002 (cvt sale 93649, trc basket 35380, cid 7093): 10:29:54 900 ago |
DifferentExistingAction | 133 | Conversion | Same conversion found either over last 4 weeks or with some different significant values like order value / currency, basket, original tracking category | differs from already existing 2004190123378850814 (cvt sale 103918, trc basket 39205, cid $order->get_order_number()): request time current 08.07.20 00:00:09 679, previous 19.04.20 01:23:37 885, 79 22:36:31 794 ago |
UndefinedAdvertiser | 376 |
| Missing valid external advertiser id (i value) |
IgnoredSpiderConversion | 305 | Conversion | Non s2s request originated by registered bot / spider | conv target sale: has cookies: view false, click false |
MissingConversionTarget | 67 | Conversion | Missing conversion target | missing ctg |
InactiveAdvertiser | 6 |
| Inactive advertiser | inactive advertiser 15462 |
InsertAction | 99 | Conversion | Same conversion has been shortly inserted |
RefererDomainBlackListed | 176 | Conversion | Http referrer matches one of blacklist patterns | referer host gtm-msr.appspot.com black listed |
ConversionIdBlackListed | 234 | Conversion | Conversion id matches one of blacklist patterns | conversion id sale:1594186354035 black listed in scope Advertiser |
WrongAdvertiser | 322 | Conversion | Loaded touchpoint (via click id) belongs to another advertiser | mismatched adv id |
LoadConversionWinner | 384 | Conversion | No touchpoint could be found via provided click ids | external Click ids not found |
UnknownConversionTarget | 91 | Conversion | Unknown conversion target, or wrong value | unknown ctg |
InactiveTrackingCategory | 125 | Conversion | Inactive tracking category | missing valid tracking category, original |
InvalidRequestSubType | 19 |
| Invalid request subtype value (parameter typ) | Request subtype None |
InvalidRedirectUrl | 332 | Click / Ad impression | Missing valid host in target url on redirecting | empty host in redirect target url ?camp=ipnde&iclid=2007081050335690113&utm_campaign=494686&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=IPN |
EmptyClickRequest | 152 | Click | Click request without parameters (empty query string) | empty query string |
MissingAdmedia | 256 | Click / Ad impression | Empty admedia url on redirecting | empty target admedia url for admedia external part 159215 in pricecomp.idealo.494600.503359.159215 |
EmptyActionRequest | 153 | Conversion | Conversion request without parameters (empty query string) | empty query string |
RedirectDomainNotWhiteListed | 239 | Click / Ad impression | External target domain not whitelisted on redirect | external redirect target url https://dir.aeiou.pt/pesquisa/index.php?p="/> |
AlreadyExistingWithContextAction | 382 | Conversion | Same as AlreadyExistingAction with some different non significant values like customer id or click id | already exists as 2007080938518880976 (cvt sale 98545, trc basket 37139, cid 1000598336): attribution context: Preferred touchpoints current internal values {2007080957198000976=User}, external ids null, process conversion mode AssureTouchpoint, previous empty, 0:18:30 824 ago |
DifferentExistingWithContextAction | 383 | Conversion | Same as DifferentExistingAction with some different non significant values like customer id or click id | differs from already existing 2005061724583770785 (cvt lead 115187, trc default 43853, cid 00000000000040008000000000000000): request time current 07.07.20 12:11:17 365, previous 06.05.20 17:24:58 377, attribution context: Preferred touchpoints current internal values {2007071210507830993=User}, external ids null, process conversion mode AssureTouchpoint, previous internal values {2005061724257910785=User}, external ids null, process conversion mode AssureTouchpoint, 61 18:46:18 988 ago |
S2SActionWithoutWinner | 211 | Conversion | No touchpoint could be attributed on s2s conversion |
InvalidAdmedia | 381 | Click / Ad impression | Invalid admedia id / creative code | invalid admedia id in null |
ClickRefererDomainBlackListed | 265 | Click | Http referrer matches one of blacklist patterns |
ActiveOptOut | 373 |
| Tracking disabled by end user (active optout) |
MissingS2SParameter | 209 | Conversion | Attribution impossible, s2s conversion provides neither valid click ids nor customer id nor voucher code |
TCF2NoConsentOnPurpose7 | 396 | Click / Ad impression | IAB TCF consent not given by end user or publisher, tracking disabled |
TCF2MissingTCString | 401 | Click / Ad impression | IAB TCF consent string missing / invalid, tracking disabled |
ConversionIpAddressBlackListed | 303 | Conversion / Click / Ad impression | Request ip address matches one of blacklist patterns | conversion black listed |
IgnoredSpiderIpAddress | 407 | Conversion / Click / Ad impression | Request ip address matches one of spider blacklist patterns |
InvalidBasket | 393 | Conversion | Missing / invalid basket value (parameter ‘bsk’) Tracking category other then ‘basket’ being used with a valid basket value | tracking category <basket> without basket value tracking category <default> with valid basket value invalid basket value … |
ConversionUUID | 417 | Conversion | Value of parameter 'uniqid' is not a valid UUID |
InvalidDecimalParameter | 418 | Conversion | Parameter value is not a valid decimal value | orv: negative value -0.95 orv: orc=EUR is not a valid decimal value |
DeletedPartner | 438 | Click / Ad impression | No redirection on deleted partner or affiliate |
AlreadyExistingUUIDAction | 454 | Conversion | Conversion with the same unique ID (parameter 'uniqid') found within last 4 weeks | already exists as 2007071416085890002 (external UUID e30d5038-f62c-b585-07dd-68ecd31037c4): 10:29:54 900 ago |
DifferentExistingUUIDAction | 455 | Conversion | Conversion with the same unique ID (parameter 'uniqid') found either over last 4 weeks or with some different significant values like conversion id, conversion target, order value / currency, basket, original tracking category | differs from already existing 2306010542519451397 (external UUID e30d5038-f62c-b585-07dd-68ecd31037c4): request time current 08.07.20 00:00:09 679, previous 19.04.20 01:23:37 885, 79 22:36:31 794 ago |
AlreadyExistingUUIDWithContextAction | 456 | Conversion | Same as AlreadyExistingUUIDAction with some different non significant values like customer id or click id |
DifferentExistingUUIDWithContextAction | 457 | Conversion | Same as DifferentExistingUUIDAction with some different non significant values like customer id or click id |