Checking the click URL of your partners

Checking the click URL of your partners

Properties of a click URL

From time to time, you will find yourself in a situation in which you need to check the properties of a partner’s click URL. When you process a tracking test, for example, or when you want to figure out whether a partner has implemented the correct tracking tags. The assigned commission model, applied bonus rules, fee model, the identity of the partner, the ad space and the advertiser and the ad media all belong to the properties of a click URL.

Getting started

Checking a tracking URL is relatively easy. All you have to do is make sure you are logged in to your admin UI, click on ‘relationships’ in the main navigation menu and proceed to click on ‘check tracking’.

How to check the tracking URL

If you follow the instructions mentioned above, a page will be loaded on which you will find a long field and a button called ‘check click URL’. If you paste a regular tracking URL into this field and hit the button, you will see a panel with all click URL properties appearing next to the button. The page will look more or less like this:

Please note the feature is capable of displaying the properties of a click URL even when the advertiser has terminated the relationship with the ad space. However, the click URL must be formally intact.

Additionally you can call the tracking URL in preview mode just adding at the end: &preview_mode=1
For more information about the preview mode, please read this article.


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