Getting started with finance

Getting started with finance


This article introduces you to the finance related features in your admin UI. You can find the finance related features by clicking on ‘finance’ in the main menu. If you do so, you will find the following sections:

  • Conversions

  • Import/export

  • Manual conversion

  • Advertiser billing

  • Partner billing

All of these sections are briefly explained further below. If you are looking for an overview of the financial processing on the platform, please read this article.


With the conversions feature you can find all the details related to the conversion: the order value, the moment it was registered, the customer journey related to the conversion, etc. The feature offers comprehensive filter options to make sure you can easily find the conversions you are looking for. The feature also allows you to validate individual conversions.


The import/export feature allows you to export and import files with all the conversion data and files with all the basket data. Please note the file with basket data will only be implemented when you are working with basket tracking. You will use this feature for bulk validation of the conversions generated by your partners. Both files can be imported and exported both in CSV and in XLS format. For a comprehensive guide on how to use the feature, please read this article.

Manual conversions

The manual conversion feature allows you to create a manual conversion. This feature comes in handy when you want to adjust the order or commission value of a conversion you have already approved, when you want to give your partner a bonus or withdraw commission attributed to a partner. For comprehensive instructions on how to use the feature, please read this article.

Advertiser billing

The advertiser billing feature is relevant when you, as a platform owner, need to invoice external advertisers on your platform. If you are an agency, you can use this feature to send out invoices. When the advertisers on your platform belong to the same company or holding, you can use this feature for internal company invoicing. The type of invoices the platform generates depends on the billing process you have defined in the advertiser settings. For comprehensive instructions on how to use the feature, please read this article.

Partner billing

This is the feature where you can create, edit and validate the payment entries generated for the partners in your platform. You can also download all the conversions related to the payment entries and export the payment entries in CSV format and in SEPA format. The section offers comprehensive filter options to make sure you can easily find the payouts you are looking for.


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