Partner Referral Programs with Lifetime Commission

Partner Referral Programs with Lifetime Commission


Partner Referral Programs with Lifetime Commission are designed to incentivize existing partners to bring high-quality affiliates into a network. By offering lifetime commissions, you create a long-term motivation for the referring partner, as they earn a percentage of the commissions generated by the new partner they referred for as long as that partner remains active.

For the network, lifetime commission referral programs drive growth by attracting high-value partners, expanding the network, and fostering long-term engagement at minimal risk. For the referring partner, they offer a passive income stream, incentivize quality referrals, and reward ongoing collaboration and success. This creates a mutually beneficial system aligned with long-term goals.

Before you start

To enable partner referral programs with lifetime commission, you first need to create a general partner referral program. To do that, follow the steps in Creating a partner referral program up until Creating a partner referral program | Creating ad media (Creating an Admedia and the steps thereafter are not necessary for referral programs with lifetime commission).


Create an Adspace specifically for Partner Referral Programs

While you can theoretically use any Adspace for your Partner Referral Program, it is good practice to create one specifically for that purpose. This approach not only ensures clear separation and provides additional filtering options but also allows you to discontinue other programs without impacting your Partner Referral Program.

Create a referral link to the Partner Registration Page

There are two ways to achieve that:

Use the URL from template:


Create the URL by following a few steps:

  1. Go to your Partner Login Page and select “Create an account” (Image A)

  2. Take your AdspaceId (Image B) and add it as ref Parameter to the Registration Page URL (Image C)

  3. Send the link to the Partner you recommend via the channel of your choice

Screenshot 2024-11-21 at 07.53.33.png
A: Partner Login Page
Screenshot 2024-11-21 at 08.02.09.png
B: Copy your AdspaceId



C: Add the ref parameter to the registration URL and copy the link


See the referral in the Partner Details Page

You can confirm the successful referral by checking the Partner Details of the referred Partner under Partnerships → Partner → Manage partners

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See lifetime commission in the Partner Referral Report

You can get an overview over all the collected lifetime commission in the Partner Referral Report under Insights → Dataviews → Partner Referral Report


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