Dynamic time range options
Before you start
This page relates to the articles on the conversions export file and the reporting export file. When you are creating a link to automate one of these exports, you will need to define a time range to limit your output. This time range can be absolute, which means you define a fixed start and end date. If you create a dynamic time range, you will also have to specify it. The table below informs you on the available options.
Dynamic time range options
Explanation | Value |
Exports all transactions or basket positions tracked or updated from 0:00 on the day you apply the link until the moment of application. Please note the server uses UTC+1. | today |
Exportsall transactions or basket positions tracked or updated the day before you apply the link. | yesterday |
Exports all transactions or basket positions tracked or updated from 0:00 on the last Monday before you apply the link until the moment of application. Please note the server uses UTC+1. | thisweek1 |
Exports all transactions or basket positions tracked or updated from 0:00 on the last Sunday before you apply the link until the moment of application. Please note the server uses UTC+1. | thisweek2 |
Exports all transactions or basket positions tracked or updated during the last seven days before you apply the link. | last7d |
Exports all transactions or basket positions tracked or updated during the last ten days before you apply the link. | last10d |
Exports With this option, you export all transactions or basket positions tracked or updated during the last fourteen days before you apply the link. | last14d |
Exports all transactions or basket positions tracked or updated during the thirty days before you apply the link. | last30d |
Exports all transactions or basket positions tracked or updated during the last full week before you apply the link, from Monday to Sunday. | lastweek1 |
Exports all transactions or basket positions tracked or updated during the last full week before you apply the link, from Sunday to Saturday. | lastweek2 |
Exports all transactions or basket positions tracked or updated during the last full working week before you apply the link, from Monday to Friday. | lastworkweek |
Exports all transactions or basket positions tracked or updated from 0:00 on the first day of the month in which you apply the link until the moment of application. Please note the server uses UTC+1. | thismonth |
Exports all transactions or basket positions tracked or updated during the last full month before you apply the link. | lastmonth |
Exports all transactions or basket positions tracked or updated during the last three full months before you apply the link. | last3m |
Exports all transactions or basket positions tracked or updated during the last six full months before you apply the link. | last6m |