How to upload new conversions
Before you start
As you probably know, it is possible to process a manual conversion, in order to create a bonus, a reduction or an additional conversion. In case you need to process a lot of such manual conversions, you might want to use a semi-automated or a fully automated solution.
For the semi-automated solution, you use the export/import section and upload the conversions in a CSV or XLM file. You will need to fill out such a file yourself based on a template structure.
For the automated solution, you use so called CAD-requests.
Semi-automated solution
Getting started
As was mentioned above, you can upload the new conversions in CSV and XLS format. Please regard the best practices on import files in the article on bulk validation when preparing your file. Furthermore, make sure your file contains all columns mentioned in the overviews below, in the exact same order. Columns marked as not mandatory do not necessarily need to contain data, but they must be there as empty columns.
Preparing the file
The file is composed of the columns mentioned in the table below. To prepare the file, you can use this template.
| |
Header name | Explanation | Mandatory | Format | Delimiter | Example |
partner_id | The user ID of the partner who generated the transaction. | Yes | Numeric | n/a | 1234 |
advertiser_id | The internal ID of the advertiser for which the transaction was generated, corresponding with the MID in the UI. | Yes | Numeric | n/a | 1234 |
conversion_target | The value of the conversion target of the transaction. | Yes | Alphanumeric | n/a | sale, newsletter_subscription |
category_id | The ID of the product category relevant for your transaction. | No | Numeric | n/a | 123 |
adspace_id | The ad space to which you want the transaction to be attributed. | Yes | Numeric | n/a | 123456 |
status | The status of the transaction: 0 means the transaction is open, 1 means the transaction has been approved, 2 means the transaction has been rejected, 3 means the transaction has been confirmed. For more information, please read this article. | Yes | Numeric | n/a | 0,1,2,3 |
conversion_id | The order ID of the transaction. Please do not used any existing order IDs, because this value needs to be unique. | Yes | Alphanumeric | n/a | BONUS345 |
tracking_time | The time and date on which you want your transaction to be registered. | No | dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss | Slash and colon | 25.05.2019 15:37:05 |
click_time | The time and date of the winning click related to the transaction. | No | dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss | Slash and colon | 25.05.2019 15:37:00 |
click_referer | The referrer of the transaction. | No | Alphanumeric | n/a | |
click_subid | A partner’s subID related to the transaction. | No | Numeric | n/a | 12345 |
commission_rate | The amount of commission that should be attributed to the ad space. The value in this field will either represent a percentage or a fixed amount. | Yes | #.# | Period | 5.00 |
commission_type | The type of commission that should be attributed to the ad space, according to the commission model applied to the transaction. | Yes | Alphanumeric | n/a | fix, percent |
order_value | The order value of the transaction. For bonuses and reductions, this column is irrelevant. | No | #.# | Period | 10.00 |
currency_code | The ISO 4217 currency code in which the values of the order value of the transaction were defined. | Yes | ### | n/a | EUR |
fee | The advertiser fee related to the transaction. | No | #.# | Period | 2.00 |
vouchercode | The voucher code related to the transaction | No | Alphanumeric | n/a | SALE2015123456 |
request_type | Whether the transaction was triggered post view or post click. | No |
| n/a |
invoice_value | The total order value of the transaction, including VAT and shipping costs. | No | Alphanumeric | Period | 123.45 |
customer_new | Whether the customer who produced the transaction was a new or not. | No | Alphabetic | n/a | True |
customer_gender | The gender of the customer who produced the transaction. | No | Alphabetic | n/a | f |
customer_age | The age of the customer who produced the transaction. | No | Numeric | n/a | 45 |
customer_survey | Questions and answers to customer surveys held upon placing the order to which the transaction relates. | No | Alphanumeric | Bracket, double quotation marks and colon. | {"Your favorite movie":"Moonraker","Your favorite actor":"Sean Connery"} |
user_value_1 | A custom value which can be added to the transaction. | No | Alphanumeric | n/a | ab12345 |
user_value_2 | A custom value which can be added to the transaction. | No | Alphanumeric | n/a | cd67891 |
user_value_3 | A custom value which can be added to the transaction. | No | Alphanumeric | n/a | ef23456 |
user_value_4 | A custom value which can be added to the transaction. | No | Alphanumeric | n/a | gh78901 |
additional_data | Additional data related to the customer, such as the number of number of previously canceled orders or recommendations for other products. | No | Alphanumeric | Bracket, double quotation marks and colon. | {"number_prev_cancellations":"12","recommended_by":"user_id: 15"} |
smc_1 | A value added to the click or view which preceded the transaction. | No | Alphanumeric | n/a | ab1234 |
smc_2 | A value added to the click or view which preceded the transaction. | No | Alphanumeric | n/a | dc5678 |
smc_3 | A value added to the click or view which preceded the transaction. | No | Alphanumeric | n/a | ef9012 |
smc_4 | A value added to the click or view which preceded the transaction. | No | Alphanumeric | n/a | gh3456 |
smc_5 | A value added to the click or view which preceded the transaction. | No | Alphanumeric | n/a | ij7890 |
smc_6 | A value added to the click or view which preceded the transaction. | No | Alphanumeric | n/a | kl1234 |
device | The device on which the transaction was produced. | No | Alphabetic | n/a | Desktop |
conversion_note | A custom note, added to the transaction | No | Alphanumeric | n/a | Bonus transaction |
Importing the file
Make sure you are logged in to your admin UI, click on 'finance' in the main navigation menu and proceed to click on 'export/import'. Drag and drop your file to the import section 'Create conversions' or click on it to browse and find your file. If your file has the proper format, you will see a large confirmation icon in the import area and a new entry will appear in the import reporting panel at the bottom of the page. This entry will include a time and date, a user, the advertiser to which the conversions are related and the data type. You will also find a status of the import. Please note there are five possible statuses:
If you have just started to import your file, the status will be queued. This means your file has been queued to be imported to the system. Please note that during this status, the advertiser and the type of your the data you are reporting might not yet be recognized yet.
After about two minutes, you should see the status has been changed to in progress. This means your file is being imported. The import normally takes around thirty minutes.
If your file does not have the proper format (XLS or CSV) or the data in your file has been severely damaged, your import will be interrupted and the status will turn to failed.
When your import has been completed and conversions are visible in the UI, the status of your import will be set to processed. As mentioned above, it normally takes about thirty minutes before your import reaches this status. Under rows imported, you can find out whether there was any problem with the data you tried to import.
You can cancel your import only during the queued and the in progress status. To do this, all you need to do is click on the icon on the right. The status will then be set to canceled.
Import report
After your file has been imported, the bar under rows will display a brief summary of the data you have imported. It will tell you how many conversions were imported and the number of conversions that could not be uploaded due to irregularities in the data format. For further details on your import, click on the icon. If you do so, a panel will open up containing all the details on your conversions and the import, including a processing status and its reason. Going through this data will help you correct any data errors in your file.
Automated solution
As was mentioned above, you use CAD-requests to upload new conversions to the platform automatically. How you create CAD-requests is described in the article on automated validation. When you use CAD-requests to upload new conversions, please note the following:
Make sure the conversion target identifies the new conversions unambiguously.
Make sure you use a API key that was not used previously.