- 1 Basic
- 1.1 Click
- 1.1.1 Find clicks by ICLID
- 1.2 Conversion
- 1.3 Touchpoint
- 1.4 Positions
- 1.5 Free parameters
- 1.6 Untracked
- 1.7 Attribution
- 1.8 Partnerships
- 1.9 Creatives
- 1.9.1 Get Vouchers
- 1.1 Click
- 2 Advanced
Basic queries for conversions. In this section, the result is containing single conversions with different fields, filtered by performedAt
Find clicks by ICLID
Given a list of ICLIDs, how to find all according clicks.
with iclids as (
-- Conversion to requestIds
cast('0x' || SUBSTR(id, 3,8) || SUBSTR(id, 12,4) || SUBSTR(id, 27,2) || SUBSTR(id, 19,2) as int64) as requestId
from unnest(ARRAY[
-- List of ICLIDs
]) id
SELECT * -- c.requestId as cli, adspaceId
FROM i19s-insights.insights.trail_click c
JOIN iclids i on c.requestId = i.requestId
WHERE DATE(requestTime) = '2023-10-09'
-- and c.networkId = 'XXX'
-- and advertiserId = 'XXX'
Conversions of today
Single list of todays conversions with additional information about advertiser and target. Descended ordering by performance date.
SELECT performedAt, updatedAt, conversionId, adv as advertiser, ctg as target
FROM `i19s-insights.insights.insights_conversion`
WHERE DATE(performedAt) = current_date()
ORDER BY performedAt DESC
Conversions by attribution and rating status
Single list of todays conversions, filtered by attribution
and rating status
SELECT performedAt, updatedAt, conversionId, advertiserId, conversionTargetId, ratingStatus
FROM `i19s-insights.insights.insights_conversion`
WHERE DATE(performedAt) = current_date()
AND attributionStatus='ATTRIBUTED' and ratingStatus in ('CONFIRMED','REJECTED')
Conversions by list of conversionIds
Single list of todays conversions, filtered by a list of conversionIds
(separated by comma)
Conversions and touchpoint
Single list of todays conversions and touchpoint list
Conversions and touchpoint object
Single list of todays conversions and single touchpoint object
Conversions and touchpoint fields
Single list of todays conversions and single touchpoint fields
Conversions with total amount, commission from touchpoint
Single list of todays conversions and totals for amount, commission and fee from touchpoint list
Conversions with position list object
Single list of todays conversions and position list
Conversions with total amount, commission and fee
Single list of todays conversions and totals for amount, commission and fee from position list
Free parameters
Attributed conversions having pattern 'Madrid' in user value 3
Single list of todays conversions
from meta objectSelecting
from processing objectSelecting specific parameters from free parameters
Filtering for specific free parameter
Total number of untracked conversions for a given advertiser
Number of untracked conversions by reason for a given advertiser
Total number of successfully processed conversions for a given advertiser
Total number of attributed conversions for a given advertiser
Find email addresses of key account managers
Get Vouchers
Vouchers table contains the full history of all voucher settings, so that if we need only the current values, a filter is required.
Access for Free parameters of User Journey Touchpoints.
Fields on touchpoint level that can be submitted in the tracking tag on advertiser side can now be found in the free parameter list.
Filtering by free parameters
This query filters user journey for touch points having gclid
Partner validation
This query calculates the successfull bounce click redirection rate per advertiser /partner / adspace on advertisers working with Ingenious onpage tag