

Our conversion model to describe a complete action on the advertisers shop, attributed to one or multiple touchpoint (by partner).



The conversion model consists of some basic elements and lists that can be described as follows.


Fields and Lists

Main fields of the conversion are conversionId , timestamps, currency and exchange as well as objects for advertiser and target. The model offers complete access to all touchpoints of the [user journey] and the commercial scope of the conversion is reflected by [positions].

The complete rating of conversion commission and -fee is based on cross product by position and touchpoint elements.


Positions (List)

Each position object describes the commercial scope of the conversion. Typical meta information are tracking category, voucher as well as a description of the product. Based on revenue and discount in combination with the commission and fee of the touchpoint applied, the complete rating is located here.

User Journey (List)

The user journey list consists of touchpoint objects. Each touchpoint describes the partner that could be attributed to the conversion. This element has a reference to the commission and fee model that is applied to the partnership between advertiser and partner.

Similar as on conversion level for advertiser, a list of free parameters is containing all values, submitted by the partner.

Basic touchpoint elements

Free Parameter (List)

Any advertiser related free parameter is added to this list.

Processing and Billing

On both levels for conversion and touchpoints you will find the processing and billing object . Both of them containing additional information about the conversion or touchpoint. In processing, all backend fields of tracking are located. The billing object is used for financial purposes and reference either to an invoice (on conversion level) or payout (on touchpoint level)


The conversion model can be used in Insights/BigQuery and is also containing a complete field description. Please have a look at our query example page for more information about using the conversion model.


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